caged Tiger Pro compound
3 cakes fused together to give you a finale to remember, WOW factor. 1 fuse! Please see second picture on instructions on which fuse to light.
Duration: Approximately 90 seconds
Blue tail up burst brocade crown king with blue pearls, red tail red peony, green tail green peony, blue tail blue dahlia. red palm with chrysanthemum.
Silver tail white strobe, green tail green strobe, red tail red strobe, green palm with chrysanthemum, red tail up burst red pearls with white strobe, blue tail up burst blue pearls with green strobe, green tail up burst green pearls with red strobe.
Purple palm chrysanthemum, titanium golf pam, brocade crown king, wave willow, blue tail up burst wave willow with chrysanthemum.
Annual Gala
224 shot compound firework has 2 straight and 2 fanned fireworks all pre fused together for a display lasting over 2 minutes.